Morning Whale Watch
Vendor: Quicksilver
Category: Whales / Dolphins
Location: Maui

Morning Whale Watch

Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday

Come join the Captain & Crew for an exciting day up close to trans-Pacific Humpback Whales! Joined by a Pacific Ocean naturalist to engage with guests on what they might be seeing as "whale communication". This 2-hour trip takes you into the DEEP Pailolo Channel between Maui & Lana'i; that is most popular for playful Humpback Whales & Breach Sightings! A thrilling family activity you surely will never forget, so come enjoy the raw beauty of Humpback Whales enjoying the crystal translucent Hawaiian waters!

(10:30am 12:30pm) Morning Whale Watch II: Trip includes: 2-hour boat cruise, underwater hydrophone hear the whales sing, Pacific Ocean naturalist narrating tour, complimentary cold water/ juice & Coca-Cola products, up-close experience with Humpback Whales. Available for purchase: Adult Beverages are $5/ drink. Best Happy Hour on the water!

Choose Activity Date/Time
Activity date:
Activity time: Time Assigned after Checkout

Rates for
Total Number of Seats: 
Child (7-12 yrs)$65.59
Child (0-6 yrs)$0.00